Chimp&z Blog

Illustrations by Top Brands That You Shouldn’t Miss

Illustrations, photography, videos and typography are the major mediums used by brands
to communicate with their audience and to create a memorable brand image. The illustration is a great way to clarify a piece of text or a concept. There are no limitations to what and how an idea or process can be conveyed via an illustration. Simple shapes, intricate hand-drawn artworks, quirky animated characters to funny and witty caricatures, various forms of illustrations are used by brands to connect with people. In the age of bloom for digital advertising, the illustrated route of communication is adopted by various brands to create fun and imaginative communication.

Here are 5 brands who love making use of illustration,

Airbnb – Be Someone Else on Vimeo.


Few Other honourable mentions


Illustrations give a brand freedom to convey its message or guide a consumer through its service with fun step-by-step images or animations. Illustrations help a brand stick easily to a unique style and colour scheme that is relatable to the brand and stands out from its competitors. While many mass appeal brands in India are used to advertising on televisions and outdoor, they still prefer celebrity endorsements or funny commercials. Global scale new age brands created in the 2000’s which are mostly tech start-ups are doing themselves really good by focusing on their consumers and communicating with their audience making use of the wondrous gift called ‘illustrations’.