You must know precisely what you are looking
for in nature and you must know precisely
what to do with it when you’ve found it.

If you have to meet today’s lifestyle needs,
you need to apply today’s science to it.
That is advanced solutioneering.

It is a known fact that Indian manufacturers across several categories have drawn inspiration from Ayurveda and nature. The market is flooded with brands that announce their Ayurvedic heritage with pride. What makes Enrituals different then, in an overcrowded environment that already has thousands of natural products? Very simply, it is the only one of its kind and for very good reason.


It is absurdly easy to throw together a bouquet of natural ingredients knowing that it can only do good and can do no harm.

But that is not the path to maximised efficacy or to real solutions that meet today’s realistic needs. Our sophisticated lab and our specialist team of over 35 experts work to make sure that when we create our precision-blends, we do so with the backing of scientific experience and expertise, the power of research and rigour.

Every blend is unique and made with truly authentic ingredients, no matter how hard they are to source and replenish. Every blend has been perfected to a high degree, to ensure that it best addresses the health challenge or wellness issue involved. Every blend is a result of a very demanding 7-stage proprietary process before it leaves the lab.


We first test the ingredients sourced to ensure that they are the richest and purest strain and not a lazy substitute (so often found on the shelves these days). Next, we ensure there is minimal loss of nutritive value as they are broken down into finer elements. We then go into extreme micro granular precision at the combining stage to create the most accurately proportioned blends. Mixologists then add their mastery to the flavouring process, using only natural fruit and spice essences. This blend undergoes stringent internal quality checks across mandated parameters before it moves ahead. The optimum quantity needed for an ideal, daily intake is then measured to exactitude before it gets sealed in individual bags. Sophisticated manufacturing techniques ensure retention of freshness, flavour and nutritive value.

It’s all about the finer details.
It’s all about uncompromising accuracy.
It’s all about Precision Botanics.