How to start and stick to a great habit!

12 JAN 2019

You know you have to make a start. You set goals in all sincerity. Somehow, despite all the intentions, things aren’t happening to plan? Well, believe it or not, the obstacles that you think are coming from unexpected sources outside are actually coming from unexpected sources inside. Here’s how to stick to strategy and make that motivation work for you.

Take ONE step

You can easily identify one thing you are not doing towards your health right now. It could be in the area of exercise. Or maybe, a not-so-healthy food you can’t seem to stay away from. Perhaps it’s not being able to control your attitude to stress. Just knowing what you aren’t doing isn’t the full solution. Helping yourself overcome your excuses is. So, next time, just watch out for the telltale reasons you give yourself. Question them. Build a resistance to them. Play boss. Tell yourself at that point that you won’t accept no for an answer.


Resist ONE food

Everyone has their favourite unhealthy food, we wouldn’t be human otherwise. But there’s a big difference between enjoying it occasionally or moderately and binging on it mindlessly. Stop automatically asking for extra cheese, for instance, on your toppings – normal is more than adequate if you enjoy it slowly. In beverages, replace tall and large with medium and small sizes and sip them for longer instead. Too fast also results in too much – and after all delicious food and drinks are meant to be savoured.

Kick ONE habit

Don’t try to turn into Mr or Ms Perfect overnight. If you’re a smoker and also enjoy your drink, don’t stop everything cold turkey. Start with one. Keep at it. Reduce quantity, reduce frequency, monitor and stabilise. Ease yourself into a cycle of living without it, until you are comfortable with not missing it. These are not easy habits to kick – and any progress is great progress. In a social setting, don’t just silently avoid the cigarette or drink – be frank and tell your circle that you are consciously trying to stay clear. Works much faster and better, always.

Control ONE reaction

Stress brings our different behavioural tendencies in us – some of us display anger and irritability, some are in denial, some procrastinate, some get into negativity, some start a blame game that’s unwarranted. Once we realise that all reactions stem from a stress stimulus, all we need to do is curtail that one recurring trait we tend to exhibit. Hold that anger and count to ten. Hang on before you point fingers at someone. Pause before you lash out. That one split-second of control will show you how your knee-jerk response is almost a habit. Think of it as your intervention.


Set ONE task

Don’t be a superhero – you can’t do everything, you can’t be everywhere. Set one wellness goal. First. Think about it, think of what you will do to make it happen, think of practical ways to follow it regularly. Be single-minded about it. Work your day around it. It’s better to perfect one thing than spread your energies across many. You have only that much willpower and determination when you begin – best to channel it wisely.

Ask ONE question

Get yourself a warcry – a slogan in the form of a question. Repeat it to yourself whenever you find your resolve flagging. Amazing what a bit of self-motivation can do. Especially, if it’s a catchy provoking phrase that gets you going. Then live up to your mantra. Find ways to make it resonate. Focus on that and the habit almost takes care of itself. When you find yourself veering away ask yourself that question again. Then see how your mind responds.

Experience ONE trial

Tell yourself it’s like a software or a new product – you get a free trial offer. Also tell yourself that if you don’t like it, then it’s your choice and your right to stop. No guilt, no remorse – hey, you tried. Now set your timer for a few minutes and go through the activity. It could be meditation, exercise, time away from the TV. Wait for the bell – hold on. Truth is, it’s more often a starting problem – and now you’ve gotten over that!


Debunk ONE excuse

The first excuse that invariably comes up in any such endeavour is blaming it on time. In reality, it isn’t so much about finding time as it is about choosing to make time. Work, travel, responsibilities of the home, family, these are easy cop-outs but they all boil down to the fact that you didn’t set aside the time – you didn’t plan well enough, you didn’t prioritise well enough. Think about it – these are things that you wouldn’t ever do at work! Quit making up creative reasons – get with the program.

Complete ONE cycle

It’s easy to get disheartened after a week or ten days, especially if you were expecting miracles. News flash: research shows that it takes 66 days on average to get a habit going and for that habit to show tangible results. When you start, tell yourself that every day you stick to schedule is a step ahead in itself. And every day missed is like taking two steps back. Go the distance. Don’t give up after such a good start.

Enrol ONE partner

Try to rope in a friend into your plan. It helps keep the momentum going and you can spur each other on. Be intolerant of procrastinations. Insist on being on time. Add it to your calendars. Track each other’s progress and set common goals too. Working with someone adds an element of fun and interactivity – and you also feel less alone in your efforts. Nothing like a little healthy competition – literally.


Stay on ONE track

Don’t try everything you Google. Don’t take advice from a whole lot of people. Have a chat with your doctor or trainer before getting started. Sometimes too much information leads to too much ambition. There’s always the option to increase your regimen later – but at the outset don’t make it too daunting for yourself. That’s a stress and strain best avoided.

Relish ONE minute

Lastly, one minute is all it takes to sip a delicious cup of Enrituals and enjoy quality me-time. Surely you have a moment to spare for your own thoughts? Thoughts about how well you’re taking care of yourself, how focused your priorities are and how you deserve a pat on the back for the headway you’ve made. And have a great day!