
Login issue
SUBJECT: Mojarto | Login Security solutions
Issue: Currently we are using captcha on the login popup but due to any reason many customers are entering incorrect captch which results in the increase of bounce rate.
In order to sort this issues we are suggesting some altenate solutions for it.
solution : 
1. Currently we are using simple text captcha insted of it we can use captcha like addition of two numbers.
2. We can lock the user account after 3 unsuccessful attempts of login and send an email to the user for notifing him to reset the password and unlock the account.
3. We can use the two factor authentication by sendinf the OTP on registered mobile number.
4. We can use Ip based validations. In this we can allow access to only the designated IP address or range of IP addresses.
5. Monitor your server logs. We will have to assign a dedicated user who will continuasly monitor the server logs.
6. Point 2 ssh discuss with rutu