Moving towards Well-Aging

Nov 29, 2022

Make way for well-aging

We are all invariably aware that there is no running away from aging; botox, or otherwise. What changed is the attitude toward the natural aging process. Consumers are welcoming both prevention and acceptance of the process, but on their own terms.

The beauty industry has sold anti-aging for decades now with its marketing antics and product lines promising to fight the natural aging process and give you a youthful glow with the best skin care products.

No matter what the industry abides by, age is not something you can avoid, it is something you should look forward to. And hence, came about the trend of well-aging against the typical “anti-aging.”

The well-aging revolution is not just driven by the aging population, but also a renewed mindset that has been brought about post the pandemic— it is focused on sustainably sourced ingredients with the younger ones looking for preventives, rather than corrective measures.

What it means is that we no longer dread aging, we want to be in harmony with the signs of aging and nourish our overall well-being with body care brands. Be it pro or anti, the entire market is about to explode this decade as boomers (born in 1946-1964) will enter their sixties soon.

With time, many women go through the despicable effects of menopause— hot flashes, wrinkles, and new symptoms with every stage. It is time we all break the vicious cycle of anti-aging and take a more proactive, positive approach to turning older.

While anti-aging often routes from harmful rhetoric that fails to acknowledge that everyone does and will age with time, well-aging allows you to accept the beauty that evolves with time as an inevitable process. It does not associate a new wrinkle to shame, it celebrates the change by being dynamic.

There’s no prime for beauty, it simply evolves.

While aging well is subjective, holding different meanings for each individual, it should be on your own terms— not how society dictates or even the media for that matter.

And, how do we age well? Here is where you start:

1. Surround yourself with the good ones.

Keep in touch with your friends and family, and spend time with them, especially the ones who are committed to aging beautifully.

2. Stay well-hydrated and eat well

Drinking enough water and eating a healthy diet never fails you. It makes a great difference in how you look and feel. Upping your veggies and fruits game will keep you healthy and your aging game strong.

3. Keep your skin happy

Help your skin thrive by using hydrating and soothing products. Following a simple skincare routine that fulfills your skin’s needs goes a long way.

4. Exercise and rest well

Staying active as you age boosts mental health and also eases some effects of menopause. But to fully benefit from it, you need to rest and get at least seven hours of sleep every night.

6. Have a purpose

Having something to look forward to increases your will to take care of yourself.

Basically, you do you. Accept beauty as evolution and be mindful of your own outlook on life and how you would want to age well. Aging is a natural, beautiful process. You ought to take care of your body however it feels right to you. Allow yourself to feel beautiful as you are rather than ameliorating younger people or trying to fit into anyone else’s definition of aging beautifully. Embrace every phase of your life.