Skincare Beyond Products: A Conscious Lifestyle for Healthy Skin

Nov 29, 2022

With television, social media, and every media possible bombarding you with all kinds of “holy grails” for youthful skin, it is hard to see beyond them. It is also possible that despite using these sworn-by products, you don’t see any long-lasting or real difference in your skin’s health.

Your skin reveals what your body has been through— acne or breakouts of your teen years to the sun damage of aging— your skin shows both your age and your health. Your skin is the first line of defense that stands strong against the outside world and protects your body from bacteria, viruses, pollution, and chemical substances that surround us.

So why not show a little kindness to it? Your skin’s health begs for something deeper and real. Eager to know what? Read on.

While many internal factors influence the condition of your skin that you can’t help much, there are several external factors that you can make amends to. You can very well protect your skin from external factors like UV rays, your diet, stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, smoking, and the list goes on.

Get a radiant glow and supple skin with these skin health tips.

1. Use Protection Before Getting Sun-Kissed.

Wear sunscreen. Always.

Unprotected skin can thicken, freckle, and develop dark patches, also aging your skin early.

2. De-stress

While stress cannot be done away with that quickly, it can be eased. Practice yoga & exercise to release good hormones that reflect on your skin’s health.

3. Eat Healthy by Default.

Eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and healthy greens, and avoid trans fats and simple carbohydrates. Include lean protein, colorful vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and heart-healthy fats for radiant skin, this will also stall skin aging.

4. Smoking Ages You Visibly

If the other effects are not enough to stop you from smoking, know that it also accelerates aging, highlighting visible signs of premature aging.

5. Limit Alcohol

It is not only you that feels dehydrated the morning after a party, your skin does too, causing it to become flaky, dry, and dull.

6. Hydrate.

Drink plenty of water to allow your skin to lubricate, decrease friction, and improve elasticity (1).

7. No Compromising Your Beauty Sleep.

A good rest promotes cell turnover and collagen production— which translates to fresh and glowing skin. Skimping on sleep burdens your skin, leading to dark circles, puffy eyes, and sallow skin. Consistent good night’s sleep can improve the moisture content of your skin and ease acne.

8. Exercise Regularly, No Excuses.

Boost circulation and sweat it out to make your skin look and feel younger, along with your heart.

9. Lukewarm Water Over Scathing Hot Showers.

Although steaming showers and long soaks make you feel calmer, you might want to consider what it is doing to your skin. It might be over-drying your skin and leading to increased oil production and clogging of pores.

10. Seal in Moisture by Moisturizing Damp Skin.

Apply moisturizer to clean, damp skin within three minutes of stepping out of the shower to lock the moisture in and get the best results from your moisturizer.

11. Exfoliate Responsibly.

Our skin does need exfoliation to rid it of dead skin cells but over-exfoliation can dehydrate and irritate your skin. Avoid using aggressive products or limit their use.

Your skin is your protectant against external pollutants. If your protection is compromised, its ability to protect you gets impaired. And hence, you must take some conscious steps to improve your skin’s health and support it in protecting you, with our body care brand. All you need to do is make some simple changes to your skincare routine with our best skin care products and to your lifestyle to bring about a radiant change. These simple steps might be the only change you needed after all.