By : Team GRD

Myths associated with proteins intake

High protein diet is gaining a lot of attention from being used as a quick fix for losing weight to developing sculpted body to maintenance of radiant skin to having strong, lustrous hair. With widespread urbanization, awareness and curiosity associated with protein diets is getting progressive.

Let’s put some misconceptions and predetermined myths at rest, often associated with this with complex macronutrient.

1. Protein is solely responsible for body and muscle building
You need equal amounts of complex carbohydrates and balance of other nutrients to yield successful results for body building. In order to achieve chiseled body, no single nutrient or food can make it happen. It is a teamwork of nutrients and protein solely cannot be held responsible for it.

2. Plant origin proteins can make you sick
In many cases, patients, clients often express their reservations on switching over or depending completely on plant-based protein requirements. It is believed that plant origin proteins can make one fall sick as the amino acids profile isn’t complete. well, that’s not 100 % true. Plant based proteins sources if made available with the best combination can yield you stronger immune response.

3. High protein diet (Atkin version) is most favorable to lose unwanted weight: -
Well, this is the most common myth associated with proteins. Alas, protein laden diets are limitedly used to achieve weight loss goals. A very famous reference stating ‘One size does not fit all ‘indeed justifies this one. Protein requirements are influenced by various factors and a person who is considering the prospect to go on the high protein diet should evaluate possible side effects and consequences regarding the same.

4. High protein is good for bones and muscles: -
High protein diets (if the protein exceeds the daily RDA) can do more harm than good. Excess protein (undigested, unused) can actually crystallize in your bones and joints increasing chances of developing gout (Developing uric acid crystal leading to inflammation ) or make you osteoporotic(fragile bones, due to leaching out of calcium ).Getting help sorted from a professional can thwart you from such repercussions.

5. Animal origin proteins are better stakes: -
Animal protein can have relatively impressive amino acid profile, but plant origin proteins (if given in balanced ratios and combination) can yield positive output on physical wellbeing. Animal sources can be high in saturated fats and can sometimes be ‘pro-inflammatory ‘for heart and liver. ’Moderation and upkeep of portion sizes is the key’. With ample availability of proteins rich choices, it is only about balancing out its requirement and utilization, considering overall health prospects.

6. Proteins increase Basal metabolic rate (BMR): -
Complex Carbohydrates (in wholegrains, pulses) have a protein sparing action in the body. Proteins are genuinely thermogenic (responsible to produce more heat) in nature and great snacks to regulate appetite and maintain satiety leading to successful execution of weight loss goals. But they are not solely liable in maintenance of basal metabolic rate (Min. amount calories needed by body to perform voluntary and involuntary functions). Body BMR is maintained or shows oscillations with regards to the food consumption.

Bottom Line: - No uncertainty that proteins are extremely important for the growth and maintenance of body tissues and cells. But their consumption and actions should be closely assessed and planned by a health care provider to yield the finest outcomes from them.

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